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Muhammad Afiq Mohd Zain Suhaimi Mahmud


Micturition syncope is a transient loss of consciousness with onset immediately before, during or after micturition. From literature, healthy young men are a population with major risk of presenting micturition syncope with a peak incidence of around 40 - 50 years of age but there is not enough information on micturition syncope as a clinical presentation in childhood; hence probably this kind of syncope is unrecognised at this age. We present a case of recurrent paediatric micturition syncope which was initially undetected and discharged from primary care who end up in ED 3 days after the first clinical presentation. This patient presented with syncopal attack for 4 minutes post micturition which preceded with cold clammy hands and regained spontaneous recovery in a few minutes. All investigations made in ED did not show any abnormalities and patient was admitted to the general paediatrics. This case report is to share our rare experience on the clinical presentation of micturition syncope in childhood especially on the elements of recognising and managing it in children.


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EMAS Meeting 2019 Abtracts