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Without effective Infection Control Protocol and proper facilities, working environment at healthcare facilities contributes higher risk for transmission of COVID-19. Hence a Negative Pressure Isolation Cabin was initiated with excellent outcome.


To minimize the spread of infections in our areas, Airborne Infectious Isolation Room (AIIR) with negative-pressure differential and Isolation Cabin was acquired. During triaging, any suspected case will be handled in the Isolation Cabin before further management. Once the management plan is finalized, the patient may either be discharged or admitted via a designated route. Terminal cleaning will be done with chemicals and Ultraviolet C (UVC) light to prevent cross contamination for the next occupant.


Negative Pressure Isolation Cabin and its functions:

  • Air Changes: Minimum 12 Air Changes Per Hour (ACH). 

  • Inward directional airflow from adjacent spaces to Cabin with negative pressure differentials of > - 2.5 Pascal.

  • Supply of clean air in a one-way flow only.

  • Exhaust air directed thru the HEPA-Filters.

  • Cabin Surface - smooth metal, easy to clean and its air conditioned.


Before using the Isolation Cabin, suspected cases were in the designated Negative Pressure Room in Emergency Department (ED). If room is unavailable, the subsequent patient will be at the canvas tent outside the hospital compound like any other healthcare facilities to contain any contamination. In view of increasing numbers of Person Under Investigation (PUI) cases, both the canvas tent and ED Negative Pressure Room are occupied consistently. Negative Pressure Isolation Cabin was acquired to improve the Safety Standards for Healthcare Workers and patients. The Isolation Cabin enables care to be rendered safely with privacy in place compared to the open canvas environment concept. Its equipped with patient trolley and feasible for any treatments to be done e.g.: X-Ray and nebulization. 


The Isolation Cabin is part of the Hospital Quality Improvement Project to enhance safety standards care for COVID- 19. The Negative Pressure Reading are monitored closely and recorded to ensure the safety measures of the Isolation Cabin. Along with proper triage protocol and proper facilities, infection risk will be minimized for everyone.

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EMAS Meeting 2021 Abstracts